Assembled dispenser with hanging cylinder


Ready to use, these dispensers are assembled in a powder painted 12/10 plate.

  • Dispenser fits in limited space.
  • Ready to plug in connections.
  • Quickness in connection to line 380 V.
  • Remote control with 5 mt cable.


  • Load cell for interface in automatic control system.
  • Weight indicator for managing the load cell.
  • Nozzle for washing.
  • Safety contact.
  • Graduated plexiglas cylinder 5 mm width complete with galvanized flanges and brass screw stays.
  • Iron 50/10 frame.
  • 12/10 Galvanized iron speryed box.
  • Pvc electric control board.
  • Remote control.
  • Self-priming electric pump with capacity according to the cylinder. Three phase motor 380v 50-60 hz.
  • Air actuated valve.
  • No return valve.



    1 ear

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      In accordance with Article 13 of European Regulation No. 679/2016, LA SERENA DI DE BORTOLI & C. S.N.C., in its capacity as Controller, is required to provide certain information regarding the use of the personal data of visitors/users of this website, referred to below as “Data Subjects”.

      This privacy policy applies solely to the personal data collected through the website, and does not apply to other external websites that may be accessed through links on the pages of the website. The purpose of the privacy policy is to provide maximum transparency regarding what information the website collects and how it uses it.

      The controller is LA SERENA DI DE BORTOLI & C. S.N.C. Via Canizzano 1 - 31100 Treviso (TV), Italy, Tel. [0039] 0422/491708, e-mail

      Source and category of datas

      Personal data are collected directly from the Data Subject and are:

      • Data provided voluntarily by filling in the “contacts” form on the website for requests for information and quotes, requests for assistance and/or the voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this website. The voluntary sending of e-mails does not require any further information or request for consent. For particular services upon request (forms), however, the Data Subject must explicitly consent to the use of the data in order to be able to send the request.
      • Browsing data. The computer systems and applications used to operate the website collect certain data in the course of their normal operations (the transmission of which is intrinsic to the use of Internet communication protocols) that are not associated with directly identifiable users. These data are processed, for as long as is strictly necessary, for the sole purpose of checking the proper functioning of the website or, in accordance with applicable laws, to block attempts to damage the website or harm other users.
      • Cookies. These are used to analyse the effectiveness of the website and make it more user-friendly and intuitive over time, or for statistical purposes. More information on what cookies are, how they are used on this website and how they can be removed, if necessary, is available in a separate “Cookies Policy”.

      Purpouses of data processing and legal basis

      The data are processed for the following purposes:

      • in aggregate and anonymous form solely to verify the correct functioning of the website. None of this information is related to the individual person using the website and it does not in any way allow their identification;
      • for security purposes (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection), automatically recorded data may also include personal data such as the IP address, which may be used, in accordance with applicable laws, to block attempts to damage the website or to cause damage to other users, as well as harmful or criminal activities in general. These data are never used for user identification or profiling, or cross-referenced with other data, or provided to third parties, and are only used for the protection of the website and its users;
      • to respond to requests for information, quotes, assistance and support following the completion of the “contacts” form. When the Data Subject enters the message, he or she expressly accepts the privacy policy. The data received will be used exclusively for the provision of the service requested and only for the time necessary for the delivery of the service. The user is responsible for verifying that he or she has permission to enter personal data of third parties or content protected by national and international regulations.

      This website processes the data on the basis of consent. By using or consulting this site, the Data Subject explicitly approves this privacy policy and consents to the processing of his or her personal data in the manner and for the purposes described above. The expression of consent to the collection and processing of the data is optional. The Data Subject may at any time refuse to provide the consent and revoke consent already provided (via the following e-mail address However, the refusal of consent may result in the inability to provide certain services and may adversely affect the browsing experience on the website. Specifically, for the form, giving consent to the data processing by ticking the appropriate box is optional, but essential to be able to send the form.

      Data retention period

      The data collected by the website during its operation are used exclusively for the above-mentioned purposes and will be kept for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed (“principle of storage limitation”, Article 5, GDPR) or according to the deadlines set by the legal provisions. For purposes where consent is the legal basis, the personal data will be processed and stored by the Controller until the Data Subject withdraws his or her consent or until the Data Subject has exercised the right to erasure of the personal data. A periodic check will be carried out on the data processed and whether they can be erased if they are no longer needed for the intended purposes.

      Security measures

      This website processes the data of the Data Subjects in a lawful and proper manner, taking appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration or unauthorised destruction of the data. The processing is carried out using computer and/or electronic instruments, with organisational methods and approaches strictly related to the purposes stated. In particular, the management software for the website is constantly updated and regularly scanned for viruses and malicious code. This site uses the HTTPS protocol, which provides greater security for data transmission, preventing unauthorised third parties from intercepting the communication and certifying the reliability of the domain.

      Data recipitients

      To the extent relevant to the stated purposes of processing, the Data Subject’s data may be disclosed to partners, consulting companies, private companies (such as third-party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies and communications agencies) appointed as Data Processors by the Controller or identified as independent Controllers, or to meet legal obligations or fulfil specific requests. The list of recipients may be requested at any time from the Controller. The data will not be disseminated in any way.

      Location of the processing

      The processing connected to the web services of this website takes place at the operational headquarters of La Serena di De Bortoli & C. Snc and is only carried out by technical personnel responsible for the processing, or by persons responsible for occasional maintenance operations. No data deriving from the web service will be disclosed or disseminated.

      Rights of the data subjects

      The Data Subject has the right, at any time, in accordance with Articles 7, 15 to 22, and 34 of European Regulation No. 679/2016, to request the Controller for access to his or her data, for the rectification or erasure of that data, for the restriction of the processing or the possibility of objecting to the processing, for the portability of the data, and for withdrawal of consent to the processing, by sending an e-mail to

      If the Data Subject considers that the processing of his or her personal data is taking place in infringement of the provisions of European Regulation No. 679/2016, he or she has the right to lodge a complaint, as provided for in Article 77 of that Regulation, or to take appropriate legal action (pursuant to Article 79).


      This privacy policy has been updated as at 11 April 2023.

      Having read above Privacy Policy